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Jewish men wear Yarmulkes because Jewish law states that one should not walk more than 4 cubits without a head covering. The logical reasoning behind this is one of respect for G-d. We cover our heads so that we are constantly aware that there is a higher entity. The Yarmulke therefore is a form of humility. In ancient times it is possible that the headcovering was in the form of a hood attached to a robe. Hooded robes were popular in middle eastern countries also to protect from the blazing heat of the sun. But when a person would go inside a synagogue or would be at home unrobed some form of head covering was still neccesary. This is how the Yarmulke came about. The Yarmulke itself has become a Jewish religious symbol, though in fact it is not specifically a "holy" item in the same context as a mezuza or prayer book. Yarmulkes have no specifications in Jewish law, and as a result in the modern day there are many styles varying from velvet kippas, to leather to knitted. The Israeli Army standard issue Yarmulke is a green knitted linen skullcap with the Hebrew letters "Tzahal" woven into it. Ultra Orthodox Jews mainly wear black velvet Yarmulkes of a semi sphere shape. Modern Jews often wear trim and neat leather Yarmulkes that are stylish and are less conspicious in the workplace. But the main point is not what the Yarmulke looks like. It is simply to remember that there is one G-d above us! Jewish men wear Yarmulkes because Jewish law states that one should not walk more than 4 cubits without a head covering. The logical reasoning behind this is one of respect for G-d. We cover our heads so that we are constantly aware that there is a higher entity. The Yarmulke therefore is a form of humility. In ancient times it is possible that the headcovering was in the form of a hood attached to a robe. Hooded robes were popular in middle eastern countries also to protect from the blazing heat of the sun. But when a person would go inside a synagogue or would be at home unrobed some form of head covering was still neccesary. This is how the Yarmulke came about. The Yarmulke itself has become a Jewish religious symbol, though in fact it is not specifically a "holy" item in the same context as a mezuza or prayer book. Yarmulkes have no specifications in Jewish law, and as a result in the modern day there are many styles varying from velvet kippas, to leather to knitted. The Israeli Army standard issue Yarmulke is a green knitted linen skullcap with the Hebrew letters "Tzahal" woven into it. Ultra Orthodox Jews mainly wear black velvet Yarmulkes of a semi sphere shape. Modern Jews often wear trim and neat leather Yarmulkes that are stylish and are less conspicious in the workplace. But the main point is not what the Yarmulke looks like. It is simply to remember that there is one G-d above us!

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