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Standing for lower taxes, less government interference, and a rule of law that upholds justice and a moral code.

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Q: What is pure conservatism?
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Write a sentence with the word conservatism?

Conservatism is the original American way.There's one for you.

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Who was the American philosopher associated with conservatism?

Edmund Burke is commonly considered as the father of Conservatism.

What are conservatism?

Conservatism is when the government doesn't like/want change and their is maximum government interference in your day to day life

What actors and actresses appeared in Future of Conservatism - 2004?

The cast of Future of Conservatism - 2004 includes: Christopher Buckley as himself

Who invented Conservatism?

Nobody invented conservativism. Conservatism originated simply as preserving the status quo system without changes.

Who is the father of the conservatism?

John Adams

Who was the founder of conservatism?

Edmund Burke

What are the release dates for Future of Conservatism - 2004 TV?

Future of Conservatism - 2004 TV was released on: USA: 25 December 2004

What is cognitive conservatism?

Cognitive conservatism is a psychological phenomena whereby it is harder to change a belief once you have it. This gets more severe as you get older.