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How long is a piece of string? The protestant church is incredibly diverse. For most, the interior is simliar - or the same - as a Roman Cathoic church but with slight differences. There will be, at one end, an altar (called more a communion table, or 'Lord's table' in protestant churches) a communion rail, a pulpit, a lectern from where The Bible is read, pews or seats, and some means of making music - usually an organ. At the other end, near the door, is a font for baptism. These are the basics, but there are variations. For example, in a Methodist Church (and some other protestant denominations), the pulpit is usually the central focal point rather than the communion table, as Methodists regard the Word and teaching through the sermon as more important than the sacrament of Holy Communion. In Baptist churches the font is replaced with a baptistry - a deep well in the floor where baptism by full immersion is practised. In high church Anglicanism the church wil resemble almost exactly a Roman Catholic church with all the basic features with the addition of altar lamps, and an aumbry or tabernacle where the conscecrated bread and wine is stored. Low church Anglicanism will have churches that are more simple and more like methodist churches. Many of the oldest Anglican churches are identical with Roman catholic churches as they were of courses, Roman catholic churches before the split with Rome in the 15th C. But whatever is inside the church building, let's not forget that the Church is actually the people and not the building. In my locality in the UK, we have churches meeting in ancient buildings dating from the 11th century and before, in modern purpose built buildings, in cinemas, schools and even a pub(bar). It's the quality of the worship that matters, and what goes on in a person's heart, than what is inside a man-made building.

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Josefa Bergnaum

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13y ago

Protestant Churches are Christian Churches. However, the Roman Catholic Church, established in the 300s AD, does not technically recognise the various Protestant denominations as Christian, as it believes it is the only true Christian faith.

Protestantism came about because of what Martin Luther and other Roman Catholic clergy considered as corruption within the Church. Luther himself did not want a schism (a split) but, rather, he wanted to reform the Church as it was. His suggested reforms were rejected by a majority within the Church and so we now have the two main streams or splits, both of which are directly descended from the original Church established by Jesus through Peter "the rock".

The Roman Catholic Church itself was one split of several, from the original foundation of the Church after the crucifixion of Jesus.

Both the Roman Catholic Church and the various Protestant Churches are Christian Churches, as they believe in the existence of Christ and that Christ died on the cross for our sins. The differences between them is the interpretation of scriptures - technicalities. Some denominations take the teachings and scriptures more literally than others, for example.

Protestant opinion:

in my opinion Catholicism is little more than an idol worshiping cult that places mere human beings above Jesus and wishes to control humanity through a political system, if you don't believe me study the 'thirty years war', the Borgias and the way their church is structured, so to my mind yes the only Christians are protestant but you will get a different answer from Catholics or even other protestants however not all Catholics are bad in fact some of them are wonderful people and some of the denominations aren't as psychotic as the standard. maybe I'm just biased and wrong but the blood of my ancestors is on their hands and I don't approve of tyranny.

Roman Catholic answer: Christianity was started by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit at Pentecost when He (the Holy Spirit) descended on the Apostles and "confirmed them in all truth". They were the first Bishops, with Peter as their head as the first Pope. Down through the centuries, the Bishops, in union with the Holy Father (the Pope) have held the faith of the apostles in its completeness. The Protestant churches were breakaways, fifteen centuries later, who came along denying certain aspects of the faith which was always and everywhere believed. Protestants are considered Christian in so far as they believe in Jesus Christ and Baptism.

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13y ago

t really true that the Pope does not regard Protestants as a Church, but, unlike the Eastern Church, only as an ecclesial community? This distinction strikes many as demeaning. A. The word 'ecclesial community' is a term employed by the Second Vatican Council. The Council applied a very simple rule in these matters. A Church in the proper sense, as we understand it, exists where the episcopal office, as the sacramental expression of apostolic succession, is present -which also implies the existence of the Eucharist as a sacrament that is dispensed by the bishop and the priest. If this is not the case, then we are dealing with the emergence of another model, a new way of understanding what a church is, which at Vatican II we designated by the term 'ecclesiastical community.' The word was intended to indicate that such communities embody a different mode of being a church. As they themselves insist, it is precisely not the same mode in which the Churches of the great tradition of antiquity are Churches, but is based on a new understanding, according to which a church consists, not in the institution, but in the dynamism of the Word that gathers people into a congregation… Q. And not even a Pope can offer an alternative definition of a Church? A. No. He has no authority over that. The Second Vatican Council is binding on him."

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16y ago

it is a place where people believe in god

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