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Presuming you mean the pharaoh of the Exodus - the real name of this pharaoh was probably Amenhotep II since this is the pharaoh who was ruling at the time of the Exodus in c. 1441 BC. The name was not mentioned because this was a literary custom of those earlier times when Moses wrote, whereas we see later pharaohs such as Nechoh being mentioned by name.

Another possibility which is currently a view held by a number of scholars in the field is that the Egyptian chronology needs revision by several hundred years at least and so this would put it under an earlier pharaoh.

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8y ago

Yocheved, his mother, named him Yekutiel (God is my hope), though Moses had a few other names, or nicknames, as well (midrash Vayikra Rabbah 1:3).

However, whenever speaking of him, the Torah reveals to us only the name Moses, in order to show God's gratitude to the daughter of Pharaoh for having saved him (Exodus ch.2), since it was she who named him Moses (Moshe).

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More about Moses

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8y ago

The Bible does not say what Moses was called before the pharaoh's daughter named him Moses (Exodus 2:10), but a midrash of the Common Era declares his name to have been Yekutiel.

Of course, the question of a 'real name' presupposes that the Moses of the Bible was a real person, but nearly all scholars and historians believe this not to have been the case.

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His name was Ramses.

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