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Lord Krishna says that you give up the desires or cravings for material things. He further says that you have the same attitude in loss and gain. You do the work or deeds with by being in the state of yoga. The attitude of 'equality' towards the loss or gain, that you get is called as Yoga. (When the results of your actions are not in your hand, you will go mad as you do not get the desired results. So it is better to do the best and accept the results, open heartedly, with out any prejudice. Accepting the positive and negative results as 'equal' is called as Yoga. You have to do your work or deeds by being in the state of Yoga.) (World is not made to fallow your desires. Every body is free to do the deeds and go for his own conclusions about what you say. So accept the same in right spirit or sportingly. Not to fear the criticism or get elated by the positive results that fallow, for example!)

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Q: What is one of the comments of Lord Krishna about definition of Yoga in Bhagwat Geeta?
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Ultimate logic in Bhagwat geeta is to teach people how to behave & act in tough times. An example in real life would be "your duty comes first no matter what you have to sacrifice for it."

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Does Bhagwat Geeta exists in original form or got polluted with time?

To answer the same I will like to take the help of statement made by Lord Krishna in Bhagwat Geeta only. Lord Krishna says in Geeta that He has already given the same advice in past to the sun(*). Sun has told to his son. He in turn told to his son. So the tradition went on. But with time the original advice got polluted and almost disappeared. (4/1, 4/2). So the same thing has happened with the Geeta as on to day also. The God has to be logical, totally logical and nothing but logical. What is not logical is the pollution in the Geeta. You will find ultimate logic through out the Geeta.(*) (Here you tend to think that the 'sun' is the sun in the sky. That sun can not produce the progeny. So this sun in the Geeta may be some king or well known person in old times. That was known to both Krishna and Arjuna. )

What actors and actresses appeared in Bhagwat Geeta - 1993?

The cast of Bhagwat Geeta - 1993 includes: Neena Gupta as Drupadi Gopi Manohar Govind Rao

What is the comment about caste system that is there in Bhagwat Geeta by Lord Krishna?

There was no caste system, when the Bhagwat Geeta was told by Lord Krishna. There were four classes ( four varnas) in the society. They were Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and shudra. Form these four classes only the caste system in the India had it's origin. Every one thinks that you are 'born' in particular class or caste. They can not be changed by 'any means' and by 'any way'. Here I want to 'highlight' the statement of the Lord Krishna about these four classes. Bhagwat Geeta being the backbone of Hinduism. Here the Lord Krishna says that "Chaturvarnyam maya srustam gunakarma vibhagashaha." (4/13). That means that I (Lord Krishna) have created the four varnas on the basis of 'guna and karma'. That is by the way you have your nature and work is!! Not by the way you are born in any class. So Lord Krishna is categorically against your position by the way you are born in any particular caste in the society. Unfortunately the Hindus are still divided in many castes. (So the divide and rule policy is very easy to apply on them. It is better to fallow the Lord Krishna, rather than just to worship Him.)

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Hinduism has many holy books. Vedas Mahabharata Ramayan & Bhagwat Geeta.

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The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text of Hinduism, believed to have been revealed to the warrior prince Arjuna by Lord Krishna. It is a part of the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata. The exact date of its revelation is unclear, but it is believed to have been written around 200 BCE to 200 CE.

Why do you take oath of Bhagwat Geeta in court?

The entire essence of four vedas namely, Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda & Adharvanaveda, have been briefed by Lord Krishna in the shape of Bhagwat Geeta. The four vedas explicates the various functionalities and duties of human beings. Veda means 'Fact' and the fact indeed is 'Knowledge' which is ultimately is purpose of a human being. One should realize the fact and attain knowledge out of it. And realization is related to 'soul' and not to 'body'. Taking oath of Bhagwat Geeta is very much equal to taking oath of oneself because he is the soul, the fact, the truth and finally the knowledge. T SRI KUMAR

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No, belief of Buddhism are completely different from teachings of Bhagwat Geeta. Bhagwat geeta teaches man to do his duty no matter the cost, while Buddhism teaches peace and nonviolence.