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A minyan is a quorum of 10 Jewish men (non-orthodox groups include women) and is the minimum number of men required for group prayer in Judaism. Shiva is the initial 7 days of mourning observed by direct family members of the deceased - parents, spouses, children, and siblings.

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Q: What is minyan during shiva?
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Related questions

When was Echoes from a Ghost Minyan created?

Echoes from a Ghost Minyan was created in 1998.

What is the duration of Echoes from a Ghost Minyan?

The duration of Echoes from a Ghost Minyan is 2820.0 seconds.

What is a Minyan?

A minyan is a quorum of at least 10 male Jews older than 13 years of age in which communal prayers are conducted.

Why is it that women can not make up a Minyan?

In traditional Judaism, only men are obligated by law to pray. They have interpreted this to mean that only people who are obligated to pray can be in a minyan. In Reform, and most Conservative beliefs, women can make up a minyan. They reject the idea that a minyan must be composed of participants who are obligated by law to pray.

What is a woman's ceremony during yom kippur?

I think that's an Orthodox Jewish thing. It's a minyan - a group of 10 women.

What are the ten males called that have to be present at a bar mitzvah for it to take place?

In orthodox services, 10 males make up a minyan. In non-Orthodox services, women are also counted in minyans. Since a Bar Mitzvah is held during a service, it would require a minyan.

Do you say the hatzi kaddish without a minyan?

No. There's actually no compelling reason to have a baal t'filah at all, if fewer than a minyan have given up waiting and just decided to go ahead and daven. But if ... early in the morning, for example ... you think a minyan is likely to arrive, and a baal t'filah began the brochos, if there's still no minyan when he reaches a kaddish, the mourners don't say it, and in any case when a kaddish is reached without a minyan, it's not said.

What actors and actresses appeared in Minyan in Kaifeng - 2001?

The cast of Minyan in Kaifeng - 2001 includes: Leonard Nimoy as Narrator Matt Trusch

How many people does it take to make up a minyan?

Amongst Orthodox and most Conservative groups, a minyan is made up of 10 Jewish men. Amongst most other groups, a minyan can be made up 10 Jewish men and/or women.

Meaning of tearing of garment during shiva?

Tearing clothing isn't done during shiva, it's done during the funeral itself. This is a Jewish tradition and an expression of pain and sorrow. Please see the related link for a more detailed explanation.

What is the Quorum required for traditional public Jewish worship?


What is a minyon in yiddish?

A minyan is a group of ten Jewish adults required for certain religious purposes, such as public prayer services or reciting specific prayers. In Yiddish, it is pronounced "minyan" and is derived from Hebrew.