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I am assuming by the phrase 'meaning of word' that you are curious about the 'Logos' which is Greek for 'word'. This is found in the Book of John, the fourth gospel of the Christian New Testament.

According to Christian tradition, the Logos is the gentile writer's definition of Jesus as God. According to John, Logos was in the beginning and everything that was created was created by the Logos. We know the writer was a gentile because he does not write as a Jew and his description and familiarity of the Logos identifies him as a gentile convert to Christianity. John defines Jesus according to John's interpretation of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus' philosophy concerning Zeus whom he portrays as the Logos.

The philosophy of the Logos was written by a Greek gentile, Heraclitus, around five hundred years before the birth of Jesus. This philosophy was well known in the ancient world, especially among other Greeks. When the writer of the Book of John wrote his story, he relied heavily upon the writings of Heraclitus to portray the Logos as Jesus rather than Zeus, who was the person Heraclitus described. Originally, the Logos did not portray Jesus as a creator. The Logos discussed creation through the Zeus and not the Hebrew God or Jesus. It was a philosophy of a gentile discussing his gentile and pagan gods.

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The Word (Logos) was a pre-Christian Greek notion for a creative force. This was adopted by the diaspora Jewish leader, Philo of Alexandria to mean an intermediary divine being and then, probably through the influence of Philo, the author of John's Gospel. In Christianity, The Word has come to mean Jesus.

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