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The meaning of exile prophets means prophets who worked while in exile like daniel, post exile prophets are prophets just before a exile came like Jeremiah.

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Q: What is meant by Exile Prophets and Post Exile Prophets?
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What was the significance of the exile in Babylon for Jewish people?

The Babylonian exile showed that the warnings of the Torah (Leviticus ch.26) were serious and were prophecies that had now come true, with all that that implies. The Babylonian exile exonerated the true prophets such as Jeremiah, and exposed the lies of the false prophets.

Why is the exile of Jews by the Babylonians considered such an important event in Jewish history?

It put an end to the monarchy, to the false prophets (who had predicted that there would be no exile) and to the dabbling in idolatry.

Who were the last three prophets who came after the Jews returned from exile in Babylon?

Jesus abraham joseph

Who were the postexilic prophets?

A:Most of the post-exilic prophets were anonymous and wrote in the name of earlier prophets such as Isaiah, so their names are unknown to us. The post-exilic Book of Malachi was written anonymously, and the word 'Malachi' merely rfers to a verse that mentions a 'messenger'. The Books of Haggai and Zechariah are named after two known post-exilic prophets.

Why did the Babylonian exile happen in realtion to God?

As the prophets explained, the exile happened after God warned the people against idolatry (and other sins), and they didn't keep His words sufficiently. see Leviticus ch.26.

Who were the prophets in exile?

there is no such a thing as post-exilic Israel in the times of the prophets. Israel's Diaspora lasted from the Babylonian conquest to the Proclamation of Independence on May 14, 1941. Post-exilic Israel started from that date. The presence of the Jews in Israel during the arrival of Yeshua does not constitute the end of the Exile. Only a few Jews actually return with Nehemiyah. Most of the Jews stayed behind in Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Makedonia, Southern Arabia, Persia, etc.

How did exile in Babylon help Gods people?

Jewish answer: The false prophets, at long last, were silenced forever. They had predicted that no Destruction would take place. Also, the lure of idolatry finally weakened, since the Destruction and Exile happened exactly as predicted by the true Prophets, who were the same ones who had spoken ceaselessly against dabbling in idolatry.

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Why are Ezekiel and Daniel called Exilic prophets?

Ezekiel and Daniel are called Exilic prophets because they prophesied during the time of the Israelite exile in Babylon. Their messages addressed the challenges faced by the Israelites during this period and provided hope for restoration and redemption. Their books contain a mix of prophecies about the exile, the eventual return to the Promised Land, and visions of future events.

What is meant by post-meridian?

After noon, before midnight. The correct spelling is Post Meridiem.

Did Jewish synagogues first come into existence before the babylonian exile?

Yes. According to our tradition, there were synagogues in the time of the Prophets (First-Temple era) as well as later.

What is a post guard?

Better known as a bollard, a post guard (or guard post) is a short vertical post meant to prevent access and protect assets.