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man compose of two major constituents


theology explains life as body+soul=humans

God has created human from earth,water,fire and air and this was just like a sculpture or a mould of human body but as God instructed the soul to enter this mould, the life came into existence soul is nothing without body and so is body. As far as soul is concerned the soul is something that is light,eternal,conscience,personality,self etc etc. so human are composed of both a body and a soul.

scientific elaboration

man existence is the result of evolution from substance called prokaryotes and eukaryotes. and then animal,swimming animal and ....................... homosapians and etc which mean that a life substance appeared because of suitable conditions and then it evolved into more sensible living creatures which became sensible with the passage of time. the evolved human body consisted of organs suck as

body is composed of brain, heart, stomach, kidneys, skin, legs, arm, blood, blah blah

Answer #2

Humans and all living beings are a composite of energy. It is a composite of energy from the 4 unchanging elements of earth, water, fire and air plus the energy of the 'mind'. The number of unit of the composite of the 4 elements will depend on its size while the degree of quality of the mind will depend on iis evolution.

Answer #3

The Whole Human Being is composed of four simultaneously existing regions [or separate dimensions] of Creation, each composed of its own vibrational realm of reality, each separate from the other realms, and all realms share the same time and space. These realms from inside out are: The Spiritual realm; The MIND realm [composed of a lower MIND (the Astral realm) and a higher realm (the Causal realm)]; And ones body and brain composed of physical energy.

Man has essentially two realities: One is the physical reality and the other are ones Esoteric dimensions [ones MIND and Spiritual realms]. This Esoteric reality of Man represents two-thirds of Man and this two-thirds of Man are largely denied and ignored by modern mental health since it tends to ignore the Esoteric dimensions of Man.

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