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It depends on your starting point:

* If you are a non-Christian questioning your present god(s) and coming over to Christianity, it is called "seeing the light" or "being saved". * If you are a Muslim questioning Allah you are seen as an apostate * If you a non-Christian, non-Jew, non-Muslim questioning your own god(s) you are probably not even noticed * If you are a Christian questioning your God in favour of another religion you are called "lost" * If you are Christian questioning your own God and all other gods you are an agnostic * If you are anyone questioning your god(s) and landing on a "does not exist" answer you are an atheist

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Q: What is it called when you question the existence of a god?
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Non-religious. A person who does not believe in God is called an atheist. A person who doubts the existence of God is called agnostic.

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The moral argument is called that because it is an argument for the existence of God based on the existence of objective moral values and duties. It suggests that the existence of moral values points towards the existence of a moral lawgiver, which is typically identified as God.

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To answer that question, you must first believe there is a god. If there is a god, then god created the universe. The creation of existence should be enough to satisfy.

Explain about: How was the question of the existence of God resolved with respect to the notion referring expression?

I need a specific answer.

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God is dead?

Of course not. _______________________________________________________________ The question of whether or not God is dead is really irrelevant. While there is no proof of the existence of God or any god(s), there are many who say that because God is a supernatural being, there can be no real evidence here in the natural world for His existence or non-existence. A better question might be "Has the belief in God changed in recent times?" In this case the answer would be yes. According to a recent poll, the number of people who responded that they do not believe in God has increased in the past 20 years (12% of US adults in 2004.)

How might the events of the holocaust have challenged faith in God?

People are inclined to question God's judgment (and even His existence) whenever deaths or tragedies occur.