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İsmael is a name. And aslo a prophet. His father is Prothet Abraham and he is the first builder of the Kabe. The kabe is in Mekke Saudi Arabia

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Q: What is ismael to Islam?
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What does Islam call the binding of Isaac?

Actually, Muslims believe that it was Ismael, Abraham's son by Hagar, whom he tried to sacrifice. I think that's what they call it: The sacrifice of Ismael.

What religion was muhamed before Islam?

Answer: The religion of Mohammed before Islam was the Hanafia Islam, the relegion of Ibrahim peace be upon him i.e. the worship of one Creator "Allah". There were few more people believing in the religion on Ibrahim in Arabia at that time; the relegion was taught by Ismael the Son of Ibrahim...but most people departed from the teachings of Ismael with the passage of time, until the original relegion was restored by Islam and the Quran.

Who is the son of Abraham that Islam is connected to?

Prophet Ismael (peace be upon him). The older son of prophet Abraham (peace be upon him).

Who is prophet ibrahim?

In Christianity or Judaism, Prophet Ibrahim is known as Abraham. In Islam he is founder of monotheistic religions. also Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace on them) are from children of Abraham. also in Islam Ibrahim was who rebuilt the Kaaba in mecca and left his son Ismael in mecca and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was from generation of Ismael. according Islam now there is a blessed stone near Kaaba that the footprints of Ibrahim (PBUH) can be seen on it and it is the stone Ibrahim was standing on it and building Kaaba.

How do you say Ismael in French?


Hows abraham connected to Islam?

according Islam prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is from generation of Abraham (PBUH). also the Kaaba is rebuilt by the Ismael (PBUH) the son of Abraham (PBUH). Kaaba first time was made by Adam (PBUH).

Does Islam incorporate Judaism?

It can be argued that Islam copied / incorporated some parts of Judaism, as Islam began about 2,000 years later than Judaism. Similar practices include multiple daily prayers, restrictions on what foods can be eaten and circumcision. Both religions claim to be descendants of the biblical Abraham; Islam from his oldest son Ismael, Judaism from his second son Isaac. It can be argued that Islam copied / incorporated some parts of Judaism, as Islam began about 2,000 years later than Judaism. Similar practices include multiple daily prayers, restrictions on what foods can be eaten and circumcision. Both religions claim to be descendants of the biblical Abraham; Islam from his oldest son Ismael, Judaism from his second son Isaac.

How is ismael?

Very good thank you - Ismael

What is the birth name of Ismael Palacio?

Ismael Palacio's birth name is Palacio Aldea, Ismael.

What is the birth name of Ismael Merlo?

Ismael Merlo's birth name is Merlo Piquer, Ismael.

Who was Prophet Isa's mother?

his mothers name was maryam(in islam) and mary(in chritianity).

What is the birth name of Ismael Neto?

Ismael Neto's birth name is Ismael de Arajo Silva Netto.