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God's Word, the Holy Bible (or Scriptures) tells us what God thinks concerning mankind, his past and what God has prophesied for our future. A detailed, personal study of Jehovah God's Word will allow you to know what God thinks. However, anything as weighty, as detailed, as important as God's Word cannot be anaylyzed and appreciated in the confines of this space provided by "". Jesus Christ himself told us to pray for God's Kingdom. at Matthew 6:9-13: "YOU must pray, then, this way: "'Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. Give us today our bread for this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.'" Contained in these five verses about prayer are the means by which we can communicate with the Sovereign of the Universe. You can know God's thoughts, from His Word, the Bible. There are some of us who believe that The Bible, because it was written by men, who are subject to their own fears, prejudices, and agendas, might be considered to be an interpretation of the word of God as opposed to THE word of God. God(s) speak to us every day, they whisper in the form of your conscience, they speak in the voices of truth sayers and they shout in the cries of the suffering. As to what they think, considering the condition of the world in general, I'd hate to be sure, but I'm guessing overwhelming disappointment.

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You've got to have the good with the bad. If you believe in the afterlife, any pain and suffering you have endured here is a minimal amount of time compared to an eternity in heaven (if you've been saved, believe in Christ, or whatever your religion tells you to do). If you end up in hell, you'll obviously wish you were back on earth with the pain and suffering.

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