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In Hinduism the God (Brahman- not to be confused with the four headed brahma or the caste Brahmin) is the pure consciousness from whom the universe has been projected. Universe is a dream of God (Advaita Vedanta).

From a scientific point of view God can be regarded as the factor who had fine tuned the physical constants like electronic charge, Planck's constant etc at the time of creation of the universe, without such fine tuning we would not have existed because atoms molecules etc could not have formed. (This is teleological proof of God)


Interposed between our body (real world) and mind (brain) is our User Interface, using why we can modify our life the way we wish. This User Interface is an analyser, bi directional filter, buffer and thus modifier.

The Complete Original Human Interface of Life (COHIL) in the abstract form is what we call god.

In every religion COHIL is replaced by a code of conduct.

In science, COHIL is bypassed. Therefore, scientifically god doesn't exist.

However, if we study COHIL scientifically, we would have is a knowledge of life that would be independent of time, place and person. Hindus call this knowledge as Brahmajnana. Thus, god can be understood using Brahmajnana only and not scientifically.


According to Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10, 'I am the supreme god'. This means that 'I' and the Supreme Hindu god Brahman are the same.

Since 'I' is within us it implies that god is within us.

According to Manu Smriti 1.11, Brahman and Purusha are the same.

The nature of Purusha is described in Purusha (Rig Veda 1.10.90). If we take the literal meaning of Purusha, we would come to the conclusion that Purusha is a mythological character. However, if we consider the symbolism involved in the mantras, we would conclude that Purusha is nothing but our skeletal muscular system, isometrically contracting (hardening) and relaxing (softening) as though it were a single skeletal muscle.

PURUSHA (Rig Veda - 1.10.90) AND COHIL

The COHIL is a three dimensional entity.

The three dimensions are,

1. Vertical/ Reality to imagination/ the seven Hindu gods - (Purusha 1.10.90-15)

2. Horizontal / Left to right/ Separation or merger of activities/ the Varnas - (1.10.90-12)

3. Horizontal / Back to front / Time/ Transient or Eternal (1.10.90-2)


The skeletal muscle is the one and only organ in the human body that we can feel and control.

Skeletal muscles contract in two distinct ways.

1. Isotonic contraction - shortens the muscle and brings about movement

2. Isometric contraction - can't bring about movement. However, it can increase or decrease the power of movements executed by Isotonic contraction and thus control movements.


The seven gods are located at various levels of Purusha (Manu Smriti 1.19 and 1.20)

They are,

1. Indra/ Feet - god of dreaming

2. Shakti/ Knees - god of illusion

3. Brahma/ Hips - god of creativity

4. Vishnu / Abdomen - god of stabilization of life

5. Shiva / Chest - god of determination

6. Shani / Neck - god of status increase

7. Yama / Head - god of compulsion.

The seven basic gods combined together form the supreme Hindu god Brahman.

Thus, the seven gods are seven centres of gravity of our Muscular system. By default, it is at the level of navel. We can facilitate or retard actions by raising or lowering it.

It is by moving to and fixing the centre of gravity at any desired level, Hindu sages used to study the nature of the selected god using Vedic meditation.


Isometric contraction can occur towards a point within it (real) or towards a point outside it (abstract).

In the abstract form, isometric contraction of muscular system can be projected to occupy the entire universe, making us conclude that god is everywhere.

Abstract contraction of Purusha makes it powerful (1.10. 90-7). It is for this reason that we believe that god lies outside us. It also prevents us from modifying god often.

However, we believe that god really exists in the real world and look for scientific evidences for it and thus come to the wrong conclusion that there is no scientific proof for the existence of god!

Therefore, scientifically god exists within us in the real form and in abstract form, outside us.

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