gods rules are 1. do not kill yourself or other people 2.do not behave very badly to your parents or to other people 3.never ever lie to your parents 4.never steal or touch things that do not belong to you like money
God, as we all think that he is in a form is not true. If it is so , then he could not be every where as accepted by all religions.
In the verses of Hinduism there is a saying "Leela vinotham" , which means an "Amazing game". So he did not create the universe well planned and it was only a part of his game. How could one expect a line by line rule for a game i.e our life.
Though games do have rules, they indicate only the outline of the game and not a whole script do's and dont's.
Now One might ask , "we are playing games with rules". This only reveals that we are out of our control and we are not in a state to accept a "Game" as a "Game".
No rules, But we rule.
God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai.
It was Moses who collected the ten commandments from god.
God answered the Ten Commandments on stone.
They believed that the giving of the commandments reaffirmed their covenant with god.
There are traditionally ten commandments of God in the Bible. These commandments outline moral and ethical guidelines for living a righteous life.
We can't follow God's commandments perfectly because no one is perfect.
the 10 commandments say that God is fist and there shall be no other gods before him. 10 commandments were given to Moses be God himself.
To love god
chrisains no god you ned to no god god bless you
yes they did believed that the Israelites believed that God delivered the ten commandments to them through moses because God did. He thought Moses would be more safer with the commandments then others.
Because they understood that the Ten Commandments are the word of God and that obeying God is the central goal of life.
The holiday that celebrates the presentation of the Ten Commandments by God to the Israelites is called Shavuot.