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Q: What is forbidden in Christianity?
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What foods are forbidden by Christianity?

No foods are officially forbidden by Christianity.

In Europe what century was Christianity forbidden?


What religion were icons forbidden?

Icons were thought to be a use of worship forbidden by God.

Why was Christianity forbidden after the fall of the Roman Empire?

By the time of the fall of the Western Empire, Christianity was well established as the state religion and other religions were forbidden. Naturally, there was no prohibition on Christianity, and persecution of non-Christians was accepted practice.

What things are forbidden in Christianity?

Sex before marriage, abortion

Why should a girl be pure in order to marry a Muslim boy?

Because it's part of their religion. since it is forbidden in Islam as it is forbidden in Jewish and Christianity.

Why was st.cecilia killed?

St. Cecilia was killed because she was a christian at times when Christianity was forbidden.

Where is the current location of the Christianity religion?

Christianity today is practiced all over the world, though in many countries it is practiced in secret because it is forbidden by the government.

True or false in the 1600s Christianity was forbidden in japan?

true. If any christians were found they would be persecuted

When did Christianity die?

It hasn't. In countries where it is forbidden the underground churches thrive. People may turn away from it as is their choice but it will not die.

In the 1600s Christianity was forbidden in japan?

Yes it was banned during the Edo period by Tokugawa Ieyasu. Any christians there were persecuted.

3 punishments that Muslims and christians have ion common?

Think of the 10 commandments. All of them are haram (forbidden) in both Islam and Christianity.