

Best Answer

Christians are nice, they are taught to be nice to people except sometimes we can't help something called ADRENALINE.


Christians are people. Like every other person on this planet they can be many things. they can be "nice," mean, selfish, empathic, sympathetic, aggressive, passive, really any number of subjective things. Too often terms like niceand mean are applied by those perceiving the representative actions, than having anything at all to do with the person being observed, and are perhaps more of an editorial on the nature of the observer.

Roman Catholic Answer

The definition of evil is a lack of God. God created everything in the world, and called it good. Anything that has being or existence is good. God created angels and men with free will so that they could choose. They do not always choose God, when they choose something other then God, they are committing sin and evil enters in. Think of it like this: if God was the sun shining in the sky, now, turn around, away from the sun. What do you see? A shadow. The shadow is NOTHING, it is an absence of light. That is what evil is. The devil, himself, was created good, it was only when he turned away from God and in on himself that he became evil.

The only one who has existed forever is God; he is the only beginning of everything, and he created only what is good. The Bible reveals to us a God who is pleased because he has created everything beautiful and good, with the goal of life and happiness.

Evil entered the world when God willed to create beings of extraordinary greatness because he made them intelligent and free. Freedom, both for angels and for men, is an irreplaceable greatness. Evil came into being because first an angel and then man abused this gift of God. Therefore, evil did not always exist. It originated when some of the angels rebelled against their Creator. Even then, God manifested His divine mercy and wisdom, because, even though he tolerates evil--he never rejects his creatures--nor does he take away their power to harm others--he is able to bring about good from evil. Therefore, even though diseases, suffering, persecutions, perfidy, and all the evil in the world did not originate with God, he can use them for our sanctification and, therefore, for our own good.

So the answer to the question is that Christians are good, as created by God, by they are born with an evil nature. In baptism the evil is wiped away, but our nature is still fallen and we must combat it every day of our lives to not let evil in again.

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14y ago

To put it simply, anything that is contrary to love of God and love of neighbour.


pretty much everything!!!!

Roman Catholic AnswerThe definition of evil is a lack of God. God created everything in the world, and called it good. Anything that has being or existence is good. God created angels and men with free will so that they could choose. They do not always choose God, when they choose something other then God, they are committing sin and evil enters in. Think of it like this: if God was the sun shining in the sky, now, turn around, away from the sun. What do you see? A shadow. The shadow is NOTHING, it is an absence of light. That is what evil is. The devil, himself, was created good, it was only when he turned away from God and in on himself that he became evil.

The only one who has existed forever is God; he is the only beginning of everything, and he created only what is good. The Bible reveals to us a God who is pleased because he has created everything beautiful and good, with the goal of life and happiness.

Evil entered the world when God willed to create beings of extraordinary greatness because he made them intelligent and free. Freedom, both for angels and for men, is an irreplaceable greatness. Evil came into being because first an angel and then man abused this gift of God. Therefore, evil did not always exist. It originated when some of the angels rebelled against their Creator. Even then, God manifested His divine mercy and wisdom, because, even though he tolerates evil--he never rejects his creatures--nor does he take away their power to harm others--he is able to bring about good from evil. Therefore, even though diseases, suffering, persecutions, perfidy, and all the evil in the world did not originate with God, he can use them for our sanctification and, therefore, for our own good.

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13y ago

No matter what religon an indiviual is in, they can either have good or bad behavior. But us Christians visit our holy church of our father and have a confessian session. Though some continue on to make even worse decisions and even possibly face criminal charges. Christians and other people of different beliefs can do unacceptable moves. So your answers to the question is; yes and no.

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