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Q: What is emphasized more in ethical leadership theories than in transformational leadership?
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How transformational leadership differs from previous leadership concepts?

Transformational Leadership differs from previous leadership concepts in that it focusses on the relationship between the leader and follower. There is an increased level of moral and ethical focus, and the leader is interested in the well being of the person being lead, not just getting the job done. Previous leadership concepts focus on the leader themselves, and what traits and behaviours the leader has. Typically they are focussed on a transactional interaction between leader and follower: ie: You do this job, and get this reward, or punishment, accordingly. Transformational leadership is focussed more on the quality of interation between people. It has an inspiring, uplifting, stimulting and individualised focus. The results are still important, but it is about long term relationship building.

How do you evaluate ethical leadership?

Ethical Leadership can be evaluated on the of ethical decision making, ethical communication and ethical team building.

Which ethical theories does not view all persons as ethical equals?


What statement best describes the political principles of Renaissance civic humanism?

Renaissance civic humanism emphasized the involvement of citizens in public affairs, promoting civic virtues and the common good. It emphasized education, ethical behavior, and leadership by educated elites to create a more just and prosperous society.

What are the uses of ethical theories?

Ethical theories provide frameworks for analyzing and evaluating moral dilemmas, guiding decision-making in complex situations. They also help individuals to understand and justify their moral beliefs and actions, leading to more thoughtful and consistent ethical behavior. Additionally, ethical theories contribute to the development of ethical codes and principles that can be applied in various fields such as law, medicine, and business.

What is Einstein's attitude towards leadership?

Einstein believed that good leadership should be based on integrity, humility, and a strong ethical compass. He emphasized the importance of leading by example and fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication within an organization. Einstein also stressed the need for leaders to be adaptable, innovative, and willing to embrace change.

What is the ethical in imperialism?

Some ethical truths are applicable in every culture. Grade 12 Business Leadership Class.

What is the Chinese philosopher who devised important guidelines for good government?

The Chinese philosopher who devised important guidelines for good government is Confucius. He emphasized the importance of ethical leadership, respect for authority, and the cultivation of virtue in both leaders and citizens to create a harmonious society.

Why are ethics and ethical leadership important in the medical field?

Ethics and ethical leadership are important in the medical field in order to serve patients well. Unethical leaders take shortcuts that endanger the lives of the patients.

What are the Role of campus journalism in transformational leadership?

Campus journalism serves as a means to strengthen the ethical values and encourage the creative and critical thinking of the Filipino youth. It also helps in developing the personal discipline and moral character of the young.