Daler Mehndi belongs to the Mazhabi Sikh community, which is a Scheduled Caste (SC) in India. Mazhabi Sikhs are a subgroup within the Sikh community and are considered to be from a lower social status historically. The Scheduled Castes are groups of historically disadvantaged communities who were categorized as such by the Indian government to receive special benefits and protections.
no gahra a lubana sikh caste and reehal a ramgahria caste
In Sikh communities there is meant to be no caste system
Yes shahi is a jatt sikh caste..basically frm sarhala mundian..it is best jatt sikh caste..SHAHI ARE BEST
yes, locham is a jatt sikh caste..though rare..
No. Turna is a Kamboj Sikh caste.
yes sandhu's are the jatt Sikh
khatri sikh
No Mehra Sikh girl cant marry a sasan boy .Sikh Mehra[Kashyap Rajput] caste is well known caste and its a General caste all over India
Yes Lally is a Sikh Jatt surname.
yes jatt sikh is a general caste although the demanding obc status for long time.
yes jassar is a sikh jatt..sub caste..u will find them mainly in patiala..hosiarpur...
Yes, "Binning" is a Sikh Jatt surname. In the Sikh community, surnames often reflect one's caste or clan, and "Jatt" is a common caste among Sikhs. The surname "Binning" is specifically associated with individuals who belong to the Jatt caste within the Sikh community.