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Simple Answer 1

Every human being is born Atheist. We are taught religion, however, some people may come to the conclusion that we were made by god(s) separate of religion because of lack of scientific knowledge.

Simple Answer 2

Critical thinking and intellectual honesty.

Long Answer 1

Unlike theists atheists and deists are rarely ever indoctrinated. Most atheists were themselves theists in youth and thus realize that indoctrination makes people "believe" things they never concluded for themselves, and thus avoid it in the upbringing of their children.

Most atheists reach the conclusion that gods don't exist independently, and are amazed that there are as many people out there who agree with them.

No churches, no indoctrination, no selfish motive for the belief (heaven, hell etc). Just an honest conclusion.

Long Answer 2

In a way, this question seems to imply that we are all naturally religious and that something has to happen to force one to "become" an athiest. There are many people out there that have the mind set of "I will believe it when I see it." For these people Atheism is a logical conclusion. Religion is a funny thing. I think most would agree that in the huge majority of cases your religion is determined by the religion of your parents. For every Christian out there.....Had you been born in the India you would probably be Hindu. For every Muslim out there had you been born in the US there is a good chance you would be Christian. Yet we all seem to think we have it right. Why is that? When it comes down to it know one really knows which religion is right (or most accurate). There are many people that realize this and choose to focus on doing whats right according to their conscience and leaving the rest to chance.

Long Answer 2

Some people need concrete evidence of things and if they don't have it why should they waste their energy on something that no one knows exists. Instead they put the energy towards themselves. Many atheists are spiritual people know themselves very well because if they don't lean on God like most of the population they know that they have to lean on themselves. They hold themselves accountable for themselves and realize that it is their conscience that they will lay down with when they die so they live accordingly.

Most atheists that I have met have been extremely strong willed people and definitely people to take pointers on when getting to know yourself and how to count on yourself. Not everyone needs to have a belief that someone or something else is always there to protect them. Not everyone needs to have hope in something especially something they cannot see. Atheists know who they are and where they stand and they take care of themselves and their family because they know they can not truly count on a someone else or a greater power doing so.

Long Answer 3

My reason for returning to atheism is that while I believe in the importance of faith, I rationalize that having faith in something concrete like myself and humanity is much more productive and realistic than having faith in something abstract. Many faiths require you to succumb to their god and admit your helplessness without said god. I see evidence that people are powerful, capable creatures. I discovered that morals have nothing to do with your religion, which is evident if you study the behavior of chimpanzees. Chimpanzees earn the respect of their peers for things like breaking up fights and sharing. I also realized that atheists are most often compassionate, educated people, unlike what some religious sects would have you believe. I feel that I was so foolish to invest faith in these things so blindly and I am glad that I have been enlightened.

Long Answer 4

Because they refused to be babes and preferred to be in the side of Wise and Prudent

Luke 10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

This Bible verse of course means exactly the opposite to how it has been used here.

Long Answer 5

* Aldous Huxley, himself a well known atheist and author had this to say."I had motives for not wanting the world to have a meaning; consequently (I) assumed that it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption. The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not concerned exclusively with a problem in pure metaphysics, he is also concerned to prove that there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do, or why his friends should not seize political power and govern in the way that they find most advantageous to themselves....For myself, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation, sexual and political."

Thus wanting to have a philosophical basis for avoiding moral sanctions and/or accountability to a higher being indeed motivates some although they may not be as frank as Huxley was. This is why so many seem particularly keen to cast moral doubt upon certain actions of the God they don't believe in. If He exists and if He is a moral being then they may have to answer to Him. Thus behind much atheism is rebellion, although certainly not all. But as Rocket Scientist Joe Sabeney put it, they "look in the mirror and see their god," thus they will not be accountable to a higher power and can essentially do as they please. Intellectual objections could in these cases become a smokescreen for the real issue, whether the person is aware of it or not.This motivation to get rid of God to avoid accountability is a common theme. Some do it consciously, others unconsciously as they are taught that the universe evolved and has no ultimate meaning and that this is just 'tough luck' and so draw their own conclusions and write their own morality.

This, of course is not the rationale for all who become atheists. Nor to state it does this imply that anyone is being dishonest in claiming any other reason. There are probably quite a number of different reasons. Another could be hurt suffered at the hands of a person or persons who claim to believe in God. Not all who claim His name are true to Him.

Ultimately the point is that it is a personal decision that has been made to go that way. Some would say 'contrary to nature', or else a decision would not need to be made, it would be natural.

The parable Jesus gave regarding the four soils or the sower (God) gives insight into the answer.

Long Answer 6

I can't speak for anyone but myself. I was raised Holiness Pentecostal, in a very religious family. I tried my best to be a good Christian. The problem was that no matter how hard I tried, I just never really bought it. I could wrap my head around the Jesus thing, it was the all powerful creator that I couldn't stomach. As I got older, I learned about all kinds of different religions and came to a realization. If I decided to believe in a man in a pink elephant costume, I had just as much of a statistical chance of being "right" as anyone else does. That, in combination with a great education in science, I decided that the universe was far to elegant to attribute to an invisible man in the sky, and I've been much happier since.

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A lack of belief.


Atheism (the conviction that there is no deity or supernatural realm trslm) is the result of an aware mind examining all the information on religions through their texts and discussions and identifying the obvious logical problems. These observations are united into a conclusion that there is no basis in fact for religions or deities. The obvious outcome is that the atheist to be puts down these cultural memes (like a child forgetting the monster that he once believed lived under his bed) and facing life as a rational being.

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