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A Legally Binding Agreement.

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Q: What is another name for the contract of agreement?
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All contract are agreement but not all agreement are contract?

all contracts are agreement but all agreements are not contract

Which statement about contracts is correct?

The correct statement about contract is that a contract is an agreement between a buyer and a seller. A contract can be a written or oral agreement.

What is another word for agreement in a relationship?

You may use the following synonym of the word 'agreement': understanding, deal, arrangement, pact, contract.

What is a synonym for a covenant?

Pact, contract, binding agreement.

What is a signed agreement?

A contract

When there is an agreement in principle is it legally binding?

Generally speaking, an agreement in principle precedes a contract. The contract is enforceable but the agreement is not.

What is another word for contract?

1.covenant 2. agreement

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What is contract and agreement?

There is a minor difference between contract and agreement. The outline of a contract is more formally presented than the terms laid out in an agreement. A contract contains the obligations and authority that the court has to enforce while the agreement is a less formal version of the two parties obligations.

What is agreement contract?

There is a minor difference between contract and agreement. The outline of a contract is more formally presented than the terms laid out in an agreement. A contract contains the obligations and authority that the court has to enforce while the agreement is a less formal version of the two parties obligations.

What are characteristics of an offer?

An offer is a specific proposal to enter into an agreement with another. An offer is vital to the formation of an enforceable contract. An offer, and the acceptance of the offer, creates the contract.

What do you meant by contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement.