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The Torah belongs to the religion of Judaism. However, the Torah isn't the complete Jewish Bible. The Jewish Bible is called the Tanach. The word Tanach is an acronym made from the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

The Torah is also called the 5 books of Moshe (Moses).

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The following three names all refer to the same thing: The Pentateuch, the Five Books of Moses, the Torah.

See also the Related Links.

Link: More about the Torah

Link: More about Moses

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The Torah may be called 'The Five Books of Moses' in English.

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The Torah is sometimes called the Pentateuch, and it is sometimes called the Five Books of Moses.

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The five books of Moses.

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Another name for the pentateuch?

Since the Hebrew name came before the Greek name, it's more accurate to say that the name of 'Pentateuch' is another name for the Torah which means teachings.

What is another name for the five scrolls?

The Torah or the five books which is the pentatauch

What is a another name for the old testament?

The Torah (Deuteronomy ch.31).

What is Torah another name for?

The five books of Moses.

Torah as a girl's name?

Torah Bright

What is another name for the penatuech?

The "Pentateuch", or first five books of the Bible (OT), is also known as the Torah.

What is the Torah's Hebrew name?

The word 'Torah' is Hebrew.

What is the Hebrews name for the Torah?

Torah (תורה) is already a Hebrew name. It means "instruction"

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Torah Jane Bright

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The name "Ahmad" does not appear in the Torah.

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The central moral message of the Torah is this: What is hateful to you, do not do to another. The rest of the Torah are details. Go study.

What does the Hebrew name Torah mean?

Torah (תורה) is the hebrew word for "instruction".