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An urban environment is the environment of a city; usually characterized by many buildings in a limited amount of space, with a high per capita per square mile. Most of the living spaces, working spaces, shopping areas, educational facilities, services, etc. are grouped in close proximity to each other. It is usually characterized by limited open areas (green spaces) in specifically planned areas or places that have been abandoned because of the higher value of real estate in urban areas. An urban area is often plagued by lack of space for parking vehicles (both personal and commercial) and a higher cost for leasing space for regular parking of vehicles because that also requires use of expensive real estate.

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An enviorment.

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An enviorment.

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Urban context refers to the physical, social, economic, and cultural characteristics of a city or urban area. It includes factors such as population density, infrastructure, land use patterns, and built environment that shape the overall environment and quality of life in urban areas.Understanding the urban context is important for planning and designing sustainable and livable cities.