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I guess if you would like to be techincal, ALL people active in a Mormon (Latter-Day Saint) congregation are ordained to a specific duty in the congregation, be it music leader, Sunday school teacher, janitor, etc. All members of a Mormon congregation are given a duty and given the laying on of hands in that duty. We refer to each other as "brother" and "sister".

However, if you are referring to the Ordained Priesthood in the church, there are some specific titles. The leader of a congregation is called a Bishop. This responsibility is rotated every five years and is not a paid occupation, like a Pastor or Priest in most Christian churches. The Bishop will have a few assistants, counselors, secretaries, and the like. There is a man over a group of several congregations, called a Stake President. He is usually referred to as "President".

The leader of the worldwide church is the President and Prophet. He has two Counselors and Twelve Apostles, just as Jesus Christ did. They are refered to as Elders. There are also others who assist the Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles, called Seventies.

Almost every Mormon male is ordained to the Priesthood. This means he holds the authority to perform some ordinances and lead in the church and received that authority by the laying on of hands by someone else who had the authority. Most adult Males will be Elders or High Priests, but are referred to as "Brother" unless he is a missionary (they have the title "Elder") or a Bishop or Stake President. Recent converts and teenage males will be ordained either Deacons, Teachers, or Priests. They are all refered to as "Brother" as well.

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Don't know, but the last person to answer said, "no she's a christian". Mormons are Christians, as the official name of the Mormon Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) uses the word "Baptism". Within the church, baptism is the ordinance or ceremony by which an individual becomes an official member of the church. Additionally, Mormons believe that at baptism, we make a promise with God that we will follow the example of Jesus Christ. Baptism is also a symbol of burying the old or natural man and being reborn to a life in Christ. A Mormon baptism is very similar to baptism in other Christain faiths. The person being baptized will dress in white and enter a pool of water where an ordained priest is waiting. The priest will then recite a prayer, stating that this person is being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The person being baptized will then be immersed completely under the water and pulled back up again. Mormons will not baptize anyone under eight years of age, believing that young children are innocent and do not require baptism until they are old enough to understand. Check out the "related links" below to learn more about Mormon Baptisms.

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