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An intercessor is the specific intervening of one person, on behalf of another. Most commonly occurring through prayers to GOD. Another word for this is a 'Mediator' of which only Jesus Christ is all mankinds mediator between God and mankind - see 1 Timothy 2:5-6. This is not taught in mainstream Christianity.

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Adding to the answer below, the noun form for intercession is not found in the Greek and is therefore translated as 'mediator.' Jesus, being fully man and fully God, stands in the middle between God and mankind, making our case to God as only He can in His unique role:

1 Timothy 2:5New King James Version (NKJV)5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,

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An intercessor intervenes on behalf of another person. Usually, this involves praying for the person's specific needs.

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An intercessor is someone who comes between you and a judge or other powerful figure to defend you. When you step in between a bully and that bully's victim, you are acting as an intercessor on behalf of the victim. Some religions declare that people need intercessors between them and God, while other religions hold that each individual must deal directly with God.

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The noun forms of the verb to intercede are interceder, intercession, intercessor, and the gerund, interceding.A related noun form is intersection.

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The word "intercessor" is in the King James Version of the Bible 1 time. It is in 1 verse. Please see the related link below.

How many times is the word intercessor mentioned in the Bible?

Isa:59:16: And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.

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Both a prayer warrior and an intercessor are individuals who engage in prayer, but there is a subtle difference between the two. A prayer warrior is typically someone who actively fights spiritual battles through prayer and intercession, while an intercessor specifically focuses on praying on behalf of others or specific needs.

Did Joan of Arc have an intercessor die in her place - her maid or someone close to her?

no she did not

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They mediated disputes, set the Law before the people, and acted as an intercessor between the people and God.

What is intercessor?

An intercessor is the specific intervening of one person, on behalf of another. Most commonly occurring through prayers to GOD. Another word for this is a 'Mediator' of which only Jesus Christ is all mankinds mediator between God and mankind - see 1 Timothy 2:5-6. This is not taught in mainstream Christianity.

What is the representative on earth for judaism?

Judaism does not have a "representative on Earth". Unlike some other religions, there is no Jewish intercessor with God or a living demi-god.

Did the apostles make intercession for the people?

The Apostles taught people what Jesus taught them. That you did not need an intercessor any more. You could pray directly to God and he would hear you.

What is a intercessor or advocate?

An intercessor is someone who acts as a mediator on behalf of another person, usually in a spiritual or religious context. An advocate is someone who speaks up for or supports another person, often in legal or social matters. Both roles involve representing or supporting someone who needs assistance or intervention.