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An altar is actually called "the altar", although if there are many altars in a Church, they may be called by a specific name, like the main altar, the high altar, the side altar, the Blessed Virgin Mary altar, the altar of repose, the Blessed Sacrament altar, the St. Joseph altar, etc.

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Q: What is an altar actually called?
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An altar cloth.The altar cloth

What is the altar called?


What is the table called upon which the priest prepares the sacrifice of Mass?

The table that he prepares the sacrifice of the Mass is the credence table; he actually offers it on the altar.

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The hanging cloth on an altar is called an altar cloth or an altar frontal. It is used to decorate the altar and often changes according to the liturgical season or special occasions in the church.

What is the altar at the end of the church called?

Its called an apse.

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What is a sacrifice platform called?

An altar.

Opposite of altar?

The opposite of an altar might be a sacrificial table. Also, the altar is in the eastern portion of the church. The portion in the western part opposite to the altar in a church is called the entryway or vestibule.

What do you called altar in mosque?

There isn't really an "altar" in a mosque in the way that churches have one. There is a small recession in one wall, called a "mihrab" that indicates the direction to pray, and there is a platfrom that the imam sits on when giving a sermon, which is called a "mimbar," but no altar.

What is it called when someone leaves you at the alter?

When a bride or groom is left at the altar it is generally called 'left at the altar,' but, the other word would be 'jilted.'

What is the aisle called that circles behind the altar?

it is called the ambulatory.

What is a priest assistant called?

The young priest assigned to a parish to help the pastor is called a curate. The young men who assist the priest at the altar are called altar boys, or sometimes altar servers if the priest in question insists on letting girls help.