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East Asian religions = Buddhism and Taoism

South Asian religions = Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam

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Q: What is an Asians religion?
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The Islamic religion

What can Asians eat?

There are many different kinds of Asians in the world. Asians can eat anything that anybody else does. But, for some Asians, they may have a religion where they cannot eat meats or other foods.

Are Asians Muslims?

Asia contains a large variety of religion. West Asians are predominantly Muslims. South Asians are predominantly Hindu (excluding Pakistan and Bangladesh). East Asians (excluding mainland China) tend to be Buddhists, Taoists or Shinto.

Where did the Hindu religion get its name?

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No, there were no Asians involved

Where in the bible does blonde Asians say?

It doesn't say in the bible that there are blonde asians! For that matter it does not mention blondes or asians.

What religion do most asians practice?

yo mamma is so stupid, her special ed teacher said reach for the stars, she ran to the store and bought some lucky charms!

What are the types of people in society that Buddhism appealed to?

Religion is a factor of family. If one happen to be born into Christian home, it is likely such a child will turn out to be a christian. But Buddhism is practiced by the Asians.