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The Hebrew name for the blacked-necked cobra is śārāf ('the one that burns'). Images of these serpents with four wings are found in ancient religious artefacts and name seals found in Judah, with the multiplicity of wings demonstrating their spiritual potency.

Seraphim were part of God's retinue in the Book of Isaiah. David Goldstein (Jewish Mythology) says it seems they were creatures of fire (seraph means 'burn'). Isaiah did not identify the seraphim with angels. Keel and Uehlinger (Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God: In Ancient Israel) say that the six wings in Isaiah 6 signify an increase in potency even by comparison with the four wings that the uraei have on the name seals.

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A seraph is a member of the class of celestial beings mentioned once in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh or Old Testament), in Isaiah. Later, Jewish imagery perceived them as having human form, and in that way they passed into the ranks of Christian angels. In the Christian angelic hierarchy, seraphim represent the highest rank of angels. A winged seraph is a seraph with wings, and a six-winged seraph is a common representation in art.

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