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Science as you are referring to it, is based upon the belief in Metaphysics and Dialectics as the as given toAristotleby the Oracle or Delphi. Aristotle's student, Plato, honed Metaphysics and Dialectics into a theocracy (Plato's Republic). Plato's students continued to refine the doctrine now known as "Philosophia" because its believers were Zealots of the goddess Athena, who is also believed by the philosophia to be the goddess of all knowledge or wisdom. The term Philosophia is actually from two Greek words; Philos and Sophos. Philos meaning great love for, affinity for and can even mean Zealot of, or apostle. Sophos means knowledge or Wisdom orknowledgeableor Wise, as in possessing knowledge or wisdom. Its important you understand the origins of philosophia, as this is the basis for the term science or scientific method today.

The Apostle Paul talks about these same philosophia and their doctrine in Acts 17 and Colossians chapter 2. Later others take Metaphysics and Dialectics and Plato's ideas and hone it into a theocracy which you are referring to as Science. The first to move toward a theocracy based on philosophia doctrine was Henri Saint Simon, as a matter of fact your "Scientific Method". Science as you refer to it, came directly from Henri Saint Simon's ideas. The next important character in the world of philosophia doctrine would be Hegel. He honed the doctrine into a very focused theocracy and documented how it was to be understood and how it functioned. All modern day use of the doctrine is based upon Hegel and his studentsinterpretationof the doctrine.

You will find the writings of Bauer, and Feuerbach and Sterner which are an example of the application of phiosophia doctrine (what you call science). Further, study of Hegel and his students will bring you to Marx & Engels, who were students of the Hegelian version of philosophia doctrine. Marx & Engels would change the world by applying dialectics to human situations and everyday life, based on Hegel's carefully laid out plan of philosophia doctrine. What you call communism is actually the use of Applied Dialectics in order to force a synthesis which is already been predetermined by the believers in philosophia. Socialism, Progressivism and Communism are simply different tools for forcing philosophia doctrine onto a population. We are seeing this transpire in the United Stated today.

In answer to your question without detailed explanation, Science and Religion (Religion is actually an incorrect term which should be doctrine, as religious is a human action to something or someone), therefore science and doctrine converge up under philosophia doctrine as defined by Plato, and later Henri Saint Simon as well as Hegel and his students and later philosophia believers such as George B Shaw and the Fabians. Philosophia doctrine is the belief that all things can be answered through the use of metaphysics and dialectics. The "Scientific Method" used in education systems wold wide, is based upon this same philosophia doctrine.

Many educators of today, will refuse this truth, however you can study it for yourself. There is a common thread which can not be denied and which can not be broken, that connects the philosophia from Aristotle all the way to the modern believers in the doctrine. The Zealot believers in the doctrine use clever terms to mask the fact that philosophia is doctrine. One of those terms is "Science" or "Scientific Fact" and the other is "Religion" These are all false terms used by the philosophia to deceive others thinking.

Understanding how things work and questioning why they exist, has always been natural. Using dialectics to form opinions and basis will only lead to false conclusions such as the ones associated with global biospheric rift (Marx version of metabolic rift). One of the early believers in philosophia doctrine (might have been Plato but I think it was Aristotle) spoke out against the use of dialectics, especially applied dialectics, because they occur within a framework that limits understanding and forces opinion due to synthesis. Take Ishmalite believers in Mohammed's doctrine and Caucasian believers in Hebrew doctrine for instance, there is never going to be a complete synthesis between these two. The philosophia however, think they can cleverly force a synthesis by applying dialectics. The new synthesis of Jewish, Christian and Islam is coined by the philosophia as "The Abrahamic Faith or Abrahamic Religion". True believers, however will never apostiasize Christ, for a philosophia based doctrine, and coined the Abrahamic Faith, which forces all believers to accept both Mohammed and Christ. This apostasy will bring us to a state of war in the future, when Persia (Iran), attempts to force Islam on all people world wide (caliphate). Had the philosophia not attempted to force a dialectical synthesis upon the people, we would have never come to war, but they err greatly in their own conceit.

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