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The Statement of Faith is a reflection of why you are accepting Jesus Christ as your savior and why you want to be confirmed in the Lutheran Church. Some describe it as your contract with God.

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Q: What is a statement of faith for confirmants?
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A statement of faith is the basic or foundational principles that a person or group accepts to be true. What is "the" statement of faith would depend upon the individual person or group.

What is statement of faith?

There isn't one. It is not a faith or religion.

When was Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ created?

Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ was created in 1959.

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There isn't one. It is not a faith or religion.

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It implies you have faith or a belief in god.

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the best statement to to achieve success life is that " be netural and be really who you are and have trust and faith to god and yourself"

What does the character of confirmation do for the soul?

The Church sees it as working in conjunction with baptism. A Catholic has to be baptized first, before he can undergo confirmation. If baptism initiates a Catholic into the Church, then confirmation calls on the Holy Spirit to come more fully into the confirmant's life to make him a full, productive member of the faith. The term they often use with confirmation is that confirmants become "soldiers of God" in the rite of confirmation.

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Edwards sets forth the purpose of his statement by declaring that his intention is to persuade sinners to acknowledge their sinful nature and seek redemption through faith in God.

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