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Q: What is a natural miracle?
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What is an act of God that has no natural causes?

a miracle

Can I relate the story of the pearl in the oyter to the way Jesus works miracle in us?

The development of a pearl in an oyster is a natural process, whereas a miracle is generally regarded as supernatural, that is, an event brought about by direct intervention of God, literally suspending the natural process. So, no, the development of a pearl would not be a good illustration of a miracle.

What is nature miracle?

A nature miracle is a miracle that defies the laws of nature, for example, the parting of the red sea :)

Can a miracle be bad?

AnswerIt depends on what we mean by a miracle. If all miracles come from God, and if God is always good, then presumably miracles can never be bad. But if a miracle is simply something that we do not understand, or something not easily explained by natural causes, then miracles do not really come from God and can therefore be either good or bad.

Advantages of using miracle grow?

Miracle Grow plant feeder is so much better than other fertilizers because it is all-natural and has organic ingredients. It is a slow-releasing plant food that is naturally healthy for the plants.

What are some famous gardens in Dubai?

The famous gardens in Dubai are the Miracle Gardens. This is known as the world's largest garden of natural flowers.

How does the pope investigate to determine a miracle?

If you are referring to miracles submitted for a cause for canonization, the pope does not investigate. That is left to the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints. They investigate the proposed miracle and interview the people involved. Once they investigate thoroughly, they decide if they feel there was a genuine miracle that could not be attributed to natural causes. They then submit their report to the pope.

What part of speech is miracle?

Miracle is a noun.

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It's a Miracle - 1998 Miracle Dog was released on: USA: 1999

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It's a Miracle - 1998 Kennison's Miracle was released on: USA: 2004

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It's a Miracle - 1998 Mission Miracle was released on: USA: June 1999