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Q: What is a mosque called in Arab countries?
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What is the name for a mosque in Arab countries?


How many mosque in United Arab emirates?

Almost 5000 mosque

What is the name of the Arab mosque in the city of Córdoba?

It is literally called "The Mosque of Cordoba" or in Spanish "La Mezquita de Cordoba".

What are Arab countries called in Africa?

Western or African Wing

What is the Red Cross called in Arab countries?

I don't know about all of the Arab countries, but in Lebanon and Syria it's called the red cross. Translation: El-salib El-ahmar

What is the living room in Arab countries called?

It is call majles or saloon.

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Full form of AGCC countries?

Arab Gulf Countries Council or Arab Gulf Cooperation Council when related with arab

What are Arabians houses of worship called?

If they are Muslims, their place of worship is called mosque.

Are mosque in the UK different from mosque in other countries?

i dont think so no

Which countries do not take part in the Arab games?

non-arab countries

What is the f mosque in Dubai?

There is no mosque in Dubai called the F Mosque.