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Judaism is an indigenous levantine faith based on previous Canaanite beliefs. Studies of records left in the city of Ugarit tell us that originally the Canaanites believed in a Pantheon headed by the Father God El. Other gods worshiped were Dagon, Baal and Yahu, and their consort Asherah. Eventually the Pantheon was discarded through a process of syncreatism and henotheism, leaving Baal and Yahu to battle over Asherah. This struggle is described as that of the prophet Eliyahu [My god is Yahu] over the priests of Baal. The worship of Asherah was finally surpressed by ChezkiYahu [Hezekiyah] and YosiYahu [Josiah] leaving the effective religion to be a Monotheism. Even so, not until the Babylonian Captivity was the religion cleared of other gods. After the Babylonian Captivity the extant scriptures were rewritten in the square Aramiac script and the Scriptures assumed much of their present form.

Christianity appeared as a combination of the typical Pagan savior popular at that time period combined with the Jewish Messiah. The Messiah Idea is a cargo cult developed as a reaction against the misrule of the Hasmoneans and Romans. The first Messianic pretenders didn't arrive until the 1st century CE. Since any real Messianic pretender was sure to be murdered or found out to be a fraud, some helenized groups invented a savior that was already in heaven. It wasn't until after the destruction of the Temple and the resulting chaos that some of these groups wrote fake histories about a god-man in the style of popular savior god such as Dionysus, Mithras, or Tammuz Adonis. They had to include all of the main points such as a miraculous birth, a few miracles along the way, sacrificial death and of course a resurrection.

Since the origin of these savior stories was from disparate groups, early Christianity was extremely heterodox. As they grew in popularity conflicts between groups and between Christians and normative Judaism grew with each group calling the other heretics.

Finally when Christianity was accepted by Emperor Constantine, he became annoyed that there wasn't a single Christian faith but many, and he wished that the leaders of this religion would gather together to declare what they believed in. The Mantra was one Emperor, One god, and one religion.

Islam began as a power struggle to take over the profitable Kaabaa shrine. Kadijah, who had been married twice before, decided to have he new husband who was well hung but otherwise a good for nothing, set himself up as a "prophet" of one of the gods of the Kaabaa. The ruling tribe did not go for this and so Mohammad was banished to Yathrub, and oasis to the north of Mecca. Mohammad learned a lot about the Jewish faith there, which he garbled as he added to incorporated into his new religion. After telling Yathrub's Jews that he was the latest "prophet", he was surprised by their rejection of him as an unlettered oaf, which he was. He never forgave them of this slight, a problem that persists in Islam to this day.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

They all are monothestics religions, they all believe in One God.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

well each one did take a shower

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Q: What is a descripition of judaism Christianity and Islam?
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