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Q: What is a cross with Jesus on it called?
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What was Jesus' cross called?

Jesus' cross is commonly referred to as the "Cross of Calvary" or the "Cross of Golgotha." Golgotha, meaning "place of the skull," is a hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified.

Where did Jesus have to carry his cross from?

Jesus was crucified in the Holy City of Jerusalem

What is it called when Jesus died on the cross?


Where did Jesus Christ killed?

Jesus was killed on the cross on a hil called Golgotha. The cross was punishment for top criminals, It was brought by the Romans from Asia Minor , todays Turkey.

Who did Jesus receive the cross from?

Although it is not written from whom Jesus received the cross, it is written that a man called Simon from Cyrene was compelled to carry Jesus' cross just after they came out from the judgement hall, (Matthew 27.32)

What was the Cross called in the Old Testament?

The cross of Jesus is not mentioned in the Old Testament, either directly or indirectly.

How did jesus's life end?

Jesus was crucified on a cross next to two thieves on a hill called, Golgatha.

Where did Jesus really Died?

On the cross on the hill of the skull, called Golgotha.

Why is Jesus' blood called holy?

All of Jesus is holy. It is only by his blood, shed on the cross, that we can become holy.

What is the name of the song that includes the lyrics Jesus changed the color of the cross?

The song is called The Cross and it is recorded by Kate Miner.

The cross without Jesus Christ on it what does it stand for?

The cross without Jesus on it signifies that He is risen & no longer on the cross..Jesus is alive.

How is the cross used?

the cross is used to remember Jesus and how Jesus died