Answer 1
Muslims don't worship any building. Even, Kaaba (that is the most sacred Islamic building) is not worshiped by Muslims but respected and honored by Muslims.
Answer 2
Muslims worship in a building called a mosque. They must take off their shoes before entering a mosque.
Answer 3
If you are asking What building do Muslims worship IN, then the above answer is right. If you are asking "Which building do Muslims worship?" Answer is; Muslims don't worship any building. They worship The one true God (Allah). And Allah has ordered Muslims to face Ka'bah (a building in Mecca) for worship. They don't worship Kabah, but they face to ka'bah to worship Allah (On true God, Not Jesus or The Holy Ghost).
Example: After Fateh Mubeen (conquest of Mekkah by Muslims) Hazrat Bilal (may Allah keep him in peace) climbed over Kabah and gave Azan (call for prayer namaz). this very clearly shows that Muslims never worship Kabah and its just a direction.
They call it Synagogue.
Basically the building in which Christians worship is called a "church", although some call the building a "temple' or a "house of worship". The building itself is not important, but what goes on inside of the building, which should be worship, prayer, singing, teaching, fellowship, etc.
They call God Allah. _________________________________________________ Muslims worship same God worshiped by Jews and Christians. God is called in Arabic as Allah.
As individuals we can worship God anywhere - at home, work, school, etc. However, when we worship as a community we usually do so in a building we call a church. The definition of a church, however, is not the building but the community.
A polytheist.
the people that lead the faithful in worship in Hinduism are called saints or pujari. Some people also call them gurus or baba.
La iglesia
Virtually every denomination worships God in a Church building. But the Bible doesn't refer to "the church" as a building, but as a people. The church in God's eyes are His people, not buildings.
The place of worship is called Masjid where Muslims go to worship and pray
Mosque is not the thing that is build for monument, it is a place of worship like church or any other place where people gather to pray.