Buddhism has many celebrations during the year to mark days of historic or cultural significance. These are not holy days as holy implies a relationship with a deity. There is no deity in Buddhism.
Buddhism does not have special day of the week for community observation (essentially no Sunday if you are Christian, no Saturday if you are Jewish or no Friday if you are Muslim)
it is called a moneastry. jack
Buddhist monks live in a moneastry.
All religious minded people are devoted to their own religion. The Buddists are no exception and there is no question about raising suspicion about the sincerity of present day Buddists.
No Buddists do not go to a church.
There are 18 000 buddists in Sweden.
The tipitaka does not have a special stand. But is treated with los of respect by buddists.
Buddists wear nothing but robes as a sign of restect to their gods.
In bed
no they are t christians.....
The Buddha.