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A trimurti is three forms of gods, one called Brahma the creator, visnu the maintainer or preserver and siva the destroyer or transformer.

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Q: What is a Trimurti?
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When was SMA Trimurti created?

SMA Trimurti was created in 1954.

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Trimurti Films was created in 1970.

What is the duration of Trimurti film?

The duration of Trimurti - film - is 3.13 hours.

When was S. K. Trimurti born?

S. K. Trimurti was born in 1912.

When did S. K. Trimurti die?

S. K. Trimurti died in 2008.

When was Trimurti - film - created?

Trimurti - film - was created on 1995-12-22.

Which Hindu God's make up the Trimurti?

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva all make up the Trimurti.

Who were vishnubrahma and shiva?

The Trimurti in the hinduism.

Which among these Gods are not considered as the trimurti?


Who is barhma?

first god in the hindu trimurti :)

Who is trimurti's mother?

In Hindu mythology, Trimurti refers to the three principal gods: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. According to legend, their mother is the goddess Aditi, who represents infinity and boundlessness.

Is Brahman in the trimurti?

Brahma and Brahman are two different names.The Trimurti consists of Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer).Brahman is the formless, Absolute Reality. When Brahman is conceived of, is personified, Brahman takes the form of one of the devas, including the Trimurti listed above, or any other form.Thus, Brahman is not precisely in the Trimurti, no.Brahman in the Trimurti:Brahman is made of two opposing elements. They are,1. Saguna Brahman - facilitating force that converts dreams into actions2. Nirguna Brahman - retarding force that abolishes even thinking and thus brings life to a standstill.The Trimurti and all other gods are made of these two elements only.