Of or pertaining to Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation, a German theologian and author. An adherent to Luther's doctrines.
The Protestant movement was breaking away from the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. There is a denomination of the Christian Church named after Luther, the Lutherans.
In a book called "Denominations - how we got them" by Stanley I. Stuber (copyright 1959), I found this summary of Lutheran beliefs: The doctrine of the Reformed Church is represented in the Apostles' - the Nicene, and the Athanasian creeds. It is distinct from a Calvinistic body. Stress is placed upon liturgy.
Children are baptized "as heirs of the kingdom of God and of his covenant"; adults are baptized on profession of faith in Christ unto the remission of sins.
The church membership consists of all baptized persons. These are under the care of the Church, and are subject to its government and discipline. The prospective members do not sign any specific creed, but they are required to make a confession of faith before the minister and elders.
The Lord's Supper is practiced, with emphasis placed upon the spiritual presence of Christ at the Supper. Here is one of the chief differences between the Lutheran and the Reformed Churches.
Another Answer:
A follower of Martin Luther, a German scholar and preacher from the late 15th and early 16th century who believed that the Catholic church was not advocating and spreading the word of Jesus Christ any-more and so he and his followers the Lutherans protested. This is where the term protestant comes from, a Christian that is not part of the original Orthodox, Catholic etc churches.
Lutheranism is a religion that came from Germany and was started by Martin Luther who had been a Catholic priest in the 1600's and wanted to reform the Catholic church. ( Here is a clue to help you with words like this. A word that ends in "ism" is an idea or concept about something.)
He was a Lutheran.
Lutheran Lutheran
There is a Lutheran Church and a Catholic Church but no Lutheran Catholic Church.
I think that there is an Evangelical Lutheran church and a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. ----- The three largest Lutheran denominations in America are the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). There are over 100 Lutheran denominations worldwide.
Well, It is a Lutheran Church, so the denomination is Lutheran.
The Lutheran church began in the 1500s.
Danske Evangelist Lutheran Kirke was created in 1875.
The Lutheran Hymnal was created in 1941.
Lutheran Worship was created in 1982.
lutheran church
In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) woman are able to be ordained pastors. However in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) woman are not allowed to be ordained pastors.