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Roman Catholic AnswerThe small brush or instrument (looks sort of like a microphone) used for sprinkling holy water during a liturgical service is called an aspergill.
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Q: What is a Church holy water sprinkler called?
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Related questions

What are the holy water fountains at the entrance of the church called?

the holy water fountains or font at the entrances of the church

What is the name of the object used to bless the congregation with holy water?

It is called the aspergillum, a fancy word for sprinkler

What holds Holy Water at Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerA number of things hold Holy Water in a Church. A large dispenser usually has a quantity of Holy Water for the Faithful to fill their bottles to take home, this is called a Holy Water Urn. A small bucket used by the priest to carry Holy Water around the Church while sprinkling the congregation is called Holy Water Bucket, and the small holders at the door, that you can dip your fingers in are called Holy Water Fonts, the Baptismal Font holds Holy Water used in Baptism.

What do you call the marble container that holds holy water at the entrance of the church used to make the sign of the cross?

The water basin at the entrance to a Catholic church is called a "holy water font" or alternatively a stoup.

How is holy water important?

In my opinion Holy water is not important, because it is not something we can read about in the New Testament. It is not of God. Holy water is a concept that began in the church around 400 years after the birth of the church

Why is a stoup important?

It blesses you with the Holy Spirit, and reminds you on of the Trinity

The Church is called the temple of what?

of the holy spirit

What does holy water sit in?

Holy Water is exposed in the church in a font - a shallow bowl designed specifically for the purpose.

The church is called the temple of the?

The church is called the temple of the Holy Spirit.

In a catholic church what is the name for the basin containing water?

Presumably you are referring to baptismal fonts

Were does holy water take place?

it takes place in a church

Is there still supposed to be holy water in the church when you enter?
