1. A crappy movie. i.e. "Wow, I am glad we walked out of the theater. That movie was such a yentl." 2. Extremely gullible person, one who will believe absolutely anything. i.e. "He's such a yentl you can tell him the earth is flat & he'll believe you!" 3. A way to say shot gun. As in calling the front seat when you are riding with a friend. i.e. "Ok, time to go. I call yentl!"
Yentl (1983) is rated PG.
Yentl was released on 11/18/1983.
The Production Budget for Yentl was $12,000,000.
The duration of Yentl - film - is 2.18 hours.
"Yentl" means "gentle" (or amiable).
The movie Yentl has a happy ending. Yentl gets to be with the man she loves and goes to the United States for more freedom.
In the film "Yentl," Yentl falls in love with Avigdor, but she ultimately chooses to pursue a relationship with his fiancée, Hadass.
Yentl grossed $39,012,241 worldwide.
Yentl - film - was created on 1983-11-18.
SPOILER ALERT! Yentl emigrates to the United States.
Yentl grossed $39,012,241 in the domestic market.