Instead of trying to come up with a genuine definition that is not copied or rephrased from primary sources (like the dictionary), I will simply provide you with a comprehensive list of definitions to allow for the fullest understanding of the word 'Star of David'.
WORD: Star of David
DEFINITION: Six-Pointed Hexagram made with two equilateral
triangles. Symbol for Judaism also used by Christian and Muslims for
several centuries.
SYNONYMS : Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David, Solomon's
seal, estoile, hexagon, hexagram, hexahedron, Jewish star, Magen
David, Star of Bethlehem
FIRST KNOWN USE: circa 1936 (
List of Dictionary and Encyclopedia Definitions
STAR OF DAVID: a star with six points that represents the Jewish
religion or Israel
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
STAR OF DAVID: (noun) 1. a hexagram used as a symbol of Judaism.
Also called Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David.
- Unabridged (Based on Random House Dictionary)
STAR OF DAVID: (n.) an emblem symbolizing Judaism and consisting of a six-pointed star formed by superimposing one inverted equilateral
triangle upon another of equal size. Also called Magen David
- Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 2003
STAR OF DAVID: NOUN [SINGULAR] - a star with six points formed by putting a triangle upside down on top of another triangle. It is used to represent Judaism and the state of Israel.
- Macmillan Dictionary
STAR OF DAVID: (plural Stars of David) A generally recognized symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism, having the shape of a hexagram, the compound of two equilateral triangles.
- Wiktionary
STAR OF DAVID: noun (pl. Stars of David)- a star with six points that is used as a symbol of Judaism and the state of Israel
- Oxford Advanced American Dictionary
STAR OF DAVID: (noun): a hexagram used as a symbol of Judaism. Also called Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David, Solomon's seal
- Collins World English Dictionary (at
STAR OF DAVID: A six-pointed star formed of two, often interlaced, equilateral triangles: a symbol of Judaism and now of the State of Israel: as a mystic symbol in the Middle Ages, called Solomon's Seal
Origin of Star of David: translated, translation ; from Classical Hebrew (language) magen david, literally , shield of David
Proper noun- The Star or Shield of David is a generally recognized
symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism.
- English Wiktionary
STAR OF DAVID: /Star´ of Dav´id/ 1. A symbol consisting of two overlapped equilateral triangles forming a star with six points, used as a symbol of Judaism. It is also called Magen David, Mogen David,and Shield of David, and is shaped identically to the hexagram and Solomon's seal. It is used on the flag of the modern state of Israel.
- Webster's 1913 Dictionary
STAR OF DAVID: (or Mogen David) A six-pointed star composed of two equilateral triangles, one superimposed upside down on the other; a
symbol of Judaism.
- McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (2003)
STAR OF DAVID: (n.) an emblem symbolizing Judaism and consisting of a six-pointed star formed by superimposing one inverted equilateral triangle upon another of equal size. Also called Magen David.
- Collins English Dictionary (at the Free
STAR OF DAVID: noun [C]- a star with six points that represents Judaism
- Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary
STAR OF DAVID: /Star of Da·vid/ n. a six-pointed figure consisting of two interlaced equilateral triangles, used as a Jewish and Israeli symbol.Also called Magen David.
- The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English 2009
STAR OF DAVID: (Magen David, Shield of David)- The Star of David is the primary modern emblem of the Jewish religion. How it came to be such is a matter of some debate. Legend has it that the emblem was used by the Biblical King David (hence the name Magen David, or shield of David). In reality, it was not associated specifically with the faith until the middle ages, when it began to appear on flags, tombstones, and synagogue decorations. It is probably not coincidental that the symbol was important to the flourishing kabbalistic tradition of the same time period.
Kabbalistically, the hexagram symbolizes the six directions of space,
the divine union of male and female energy, and the four elements. The
Star of David is also important in the Rastafarian and Messianic
Christian faiths.
- Symbol Dictionary,
STAR OF DAVID: (Noun ) - a six-pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles; an emblem symbolizing Judaism. - Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David, Solomon's seal
- WordNet 3.0 Dictionary (at The Free
STAR OF DAVID: (Magan David or Mogen Dovid in Hebrew, Shield of David, Solomon's Seal, or Seal of Solomon) is a generally recognized symbol of Judaism and Jewish identity. It is also known as the Jewish Star. With the establishment of the State of Israel the Jewish Star on the Flag of Israel has also become a symbol of Israel.
- Star of David, Bigpedia,
STAR OF DAVID: (Shield of David)- Six-pointed device formed by
opposing two equilateral triangles. Known in Hebrew as Magen David
or Mogen David, it was used as an emblem or magic sign by pagans,
Christians, Muslims, and gradually found its way into Judaism as a
cabbalistic sign. It appears on the flag of the modern state of Israel.
- World Encyclopedia 2005
STAR OF DAVID: An emblem symbolizing Judaism and consisting of a six-pointed star formed by superimposing one inverted equilateral triangle upon another of equal size.
- Collins Discovery Encyclopedia (2005)
STAR OF DAVID: The hexagram formed by the intersection of two equilateral trianglesknown today as the Star of David is the most prominent symbol of the state of Israel, and Judaism today, as can be seen on the flag of Israel. However, this symbol was not adopted by Judaism nor Zionism as their symbol until recent times.
- Star of David - Solomon's Seal,
STAR OF DAVID: (noun) six-pointed star, Jewish star
Synonyms for Star of David - estoile, hexagon, hexagram, hexahedron,
Jewish star, Magen David, Star of Bethlehem
More words related to star of david- Shield of David- (noun.
six-pointed star) Judaism emblem, Magen David, Star of David
- Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus 2013
STAR OF DAVID: Seeing the Star of David in your dream, represents the merging power of love and creativity. It also means the union of
heaven and earth.
- Dream Dictionary, Webster's Dictionary
STAR OF DAVID: A six-pointed star which is a symbol of Judaism.
During the Holocaust, Jews throughout Europe were required to wear
Stars of David on their sleeves or fronts and backs of their shirts and
- A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
The star of David is also known as the shield of David, or in geometric terms, a hexagram.
The Star of David, also known as the Shield of David, is a symbol that has been associated with Judaism for centuries. Its origins are not definitively known, but it is believed to have become a Jewish symbol in the 17th century.
David was an ancient king of Israel from the days before the second Temple. he was also a great warrior, and on his shield was a star formerly known as the star of David. Today, this star is a famous sign of Judaism.
I have never known him to wear the star of david.......
An asterisk is a star-shaped punctuation mark. A pentagram is a 5-pointed star, a hexagram is a 6-pointed star also known as Solomon's seal and the Star of David.
The Jewish star, also known as the Star of David, is typically depicted in blue on a white background. This blue and white color combination has become associated with Judaism and the State of Israel.
An asterisk is a star-shaped punctuation mark. A pentagram is a 5-pointed star, a hexagram is a 6-pointed star also known as Solomon's seal and the Star of David.
You can see the Star of David on any flag of Israel - it's also Unicode character 2721 - &#x2721 The Star of David (also called magen David) can be found on many Jewish ornaments.
The symbolic five-pointed star is known as the Star of David.Suggestion:Six points, I believe; but it is the Star of David.
Yes, every known Jew had to wear a yellow Star of David to identify themselves.
He was also known as the Apostle of Wales.
In Christianity the five point star symbolizes the Star of David. It is also called Bethlehem's star. The star which indicated the Messiah, born of the seed of David had been birthed.