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The neoplatonist, Plotinus taught that there is a supreme, totally transcendent "One", containing no division, multiplicity or distinction, beyond all categories of being and non-being. He denied sentience, self-awareness or any other action to the One, but without the One, nothing else could exist. The unfolding of the cosmos is purely a consequence of the existence of the One, thus its existence is proven.

Answer # 2

Plotinus was another believer in Athenian philosophia doctrine, specifically that defined by Plato. He postulated via the use of the dialectic method, that an ultimate being existed because of the existence of the cosmos. The ultimate being of the Athenian (Athena) philosophia was/is Zeus.

The Athenian (Greek) system of gods, known as Mythology, as defined by the believers in the goddess Athena, is now thought to be directly connected with the fallen angels of Genesis 6, and Jude and their stories from the first earth age, which depict the attempted overthrow by Satan (Revelation 12), and those who followed him.

Plotinus has no connection with the Hebrews (Sons of Adam, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), nor the Lord God of Israel. He is simply another believer in Athenian philosophia doctrine who postulated the existence of a supreme being, as did Zeno's followers who are known as the Stoics. Epicurean believer in philosophia doctrine argued using the same dialectic methods, that there was not life after death and therefore no supreme being. The Apostle Paul warns Christians about being deceived by Athenian philosophia doctrine in Colossians chapter 2. His warning was directly connected to his experience in Athens with the Epicureans and Stoics (Acts 17), as well as his later engagement with the Sophists (educators of philosophia doctrine).

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