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Sorry "Retired History Teacher" your answer has no medical background neither does your education.

Lutheran Blood types do exist. It is because of the presence of a very rare antigen called the "Lutheran Antigen". It effects less than .003% of the population and it's very very rare. I've only seen it twice in my long career as a paramedic/emergency room tech.

Sometimes things that are named like a religion has nothing to do with a religion. In this case it does not. I have no idea how it got the name Lutheran antigens but they do exist... and a simple Google search before you posted would have proven this. It probably has something to do with the LU gene in the human DNA code.

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15y ago

No such thing. There is 0 negative blood, but blood doesn't come in religious types. Religion is an idea. Blood is physical.

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Q: What is OO Lutheran negative blood?
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Can two O positive blood types have a child with A negative blood?

Yes. The geneotype for both parents must be AO+- for the child to be OO--

Can two A positive blood type parents have a child with O negative blood?

Yes. The geneotype for both parents must be AO+- for the child to be OO--

Can a man and wife have children with blood types O neg and ab neg?

If one of the parents is AO negative and the other is BO negative they could produce offspring that were BO, AO, AB or OO negative.

Can a parent with A positive and a parent with A negative have an O negative baby?

Yes. The parents' blood types are AO and AO so the baby will be OO. And since at least one parent is Rh+, the child will be Rh+.

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If the parents are blood Type O neg and A neg could the children have A positive blood type?

We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.Parental information:Mother type O neg --can only be OO with Rh (--) = contributes genes O, (-)Father type A neg --can be AA or AO with Rh (--) = contributes A, O, (-)Baby receives one gene from each parent: Baby is type AO with Rh (--) = Type A negBaby is type OO with Rh (--) = Type O negRh negative blood requires two negative genes. Since both parents are negative, there is no positive gene to offer the offspring, so the children will all be Rh negative.

What blood type will an a child have if the woman is o positive and the man is a positive?

The child will be able to have either a or o blood and either positive or negative. Mum will be oo genes and either +- or ++ rhesus. Dad could carry aa or ao genes and will have ++ or +- rhesus. So child could be ++ +- or -- could also be ao or oo.

If you have o negative blood do your parents have o blood too?

Not necessarily. A child with O negative blood can have parents with different blood types, as the O negative blood type is recessive and can result from a combination of A, B, or O blood types from each parent.

If neither parents are O negative then how can a sibling be O negative?

The parents could both be carriers of the O negative blood type without expressing it themselves. When they pass on their O negative genes to their child, it's possible for the child to inherit two O negative alleles and have the O negative blood type, even if the parents don't have it themselves.

What are the types of blood for humans?

The four blood types for humans are: A, B, AB and OO. Also the RH factor determines is your blood type is RH negative (-) or RH positive (+). All blood types can then be classified as: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ or O-.

Is it possible for a man with AO positive blood type and a woman with OO positive blood type to conceive a B plus baby?

No the baby blood type will be (ao)or(oo)

Can a negative and a positive blood types make o negative?

Yes.The different blood types are A, B, AB, and O. But, both A and B have two variations. A can be either AA or AO, while B can be either BB or BO. AB can only be AB and O can only be OO. So, if the B parent has BO blood and the A parent has AO blood, each can give an O, resulting in OO blood, which would be blood type O.Here is a chart of the possible results if the parents are AO and BO:......B OA AB AOO BO OOSo, these parents can produce children with all four blood types: AB, A, B, and O.And, since one parent is Rh-negative and one is Rh-positive, the children could be either negative or positive.