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Get ready, I am coming back soon.

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To know this you must get out your Bible.

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Q: What is God saying today?
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What messages do you have for me today?

Live,love,laugh,do good for your human and nature surroundings, andobserve Allah (God in English) in your doings, saying, and worship.

Why are their Christians that's saying the world is going to end today?

The reason why they think that is because they try to find out what God is deciding and they believe things they hear.

What does Flyleaf's song Sorry mean?

She was either abused or hurt when she was little, speaking as to she was talking to the person/issue that hurt her. She then speaks to God, stating "my scares are yours today" saying "You can take it from here" and by her saying "I found healing".

Is saying god the same as saying gosh?

no, they are spelt differently

Would it be hypcritical to say God if you are a Buddist?

No. I heard a venerable Buddhist Monk say "Oh God" today on the radio and as he said "its just an engligh saying". Anyway, Buddhists dont mind the concept of God - they just dont believe he created the earth

What is another saying for thank god?

u can tell him that u love him, or thanks lord, or saying lig big GOD

Have you saw God today or have you seen God today?

In the past tense you would say "I have seen God today", because that is something you 'have' done. You could also say "I saw God today". This makes sense due to the lack of the word 'have'. In most other languages there is only one way of using the past tense, in English there are three. 'I did see God today', 'I have seen God today', and 'I saw God today'.

When God says in Exodus 3 that he is the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob what kind of god is he saying that he is?

Some biblical scholars say that in this passage, God was not saying that he was the only god, but that he was the god of Moses' ancestors and therefore the god most important to Moses and his successors.

The God of the living is your God for today?

The God of the living is my God today and forever-and-ever. He is truly living. Hope i understood your question. :-)

What are people saying about Jesus Christ today?

Christians say He is coming back soon! Many don't believe He is real. Others say He was a great prophet but not the Son of God.

You pray to god that you may die saying?

I pray to God my soul to keep.

When you call god sovereign what are you saying about god?

That he is king and ruler over all.