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god bless you.

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Q: What is God bless you in Urdu language?
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How do you say God bless you in Punjabi language?

"Rabb tuhanu chardikala vich rakhe."

How do you say god bless you in Garo language?

We say God bless you as 'Isol patichina'

How do we say god bless her soul in Armenian LANGUAGE?

Asvadz ir hoke orhne- god her soul bless.

How do i say god bless you in Punjabi language?

In Punjabi, "God bless you" can be said as "Rab tuhanu kirpa kare."

How do you say God Bless You in Belgian language?

The official languages of Belgium are German, French, and Dutch. In German, God Bless you is "Gott Segnen Sie" In French, God Bless you is "Dieu Vous Bénit" In Dutch, God Bless you is "God Zegen U"

How do you translate God bless in Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of God bless you is Dumnezeu să te binecuvînteze.

How do you say god bless you in french language?

In French, "God bless you" can be translated as "Que Dieu te bénisse."

How do you say 'God bless you' in Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of Good luck is Noroc.

How do you say God bless you in Hmong?

god bless

How do you say god bless you all my people in taino language?

In Taino language, you can say "Bo matu'a to' Kaoban ti" to bless all the people.

How do you say God bless you in Ojibwa?

There is no such language (or tribe) as "Iroquois". Each of the Iroquois tribes spoke its own language - these were related to each other, but entirely different. Furthermore there is no direct translation of the Christian concept of "May God bless you".

How do you say god in urdu?

God in urdu would be 'Khuda'