Roman Catholicism is by far the most important religion in Mexico (88% of the population). Durango, Mexico is no exception: most people follows such faith.
There is no official religion in Mexico, but yes, the majority of the population is Roman Catholic.
Laguna Indians
NoRtHeRn MeXiCo
Roman Catholicism
Durango is a noun and is a city in Mexico.
Roman Catholicism came to Mexico with the people of Spain.
The flight distance from Texas (TX) to Durango, Mexico is 650 miles.
about 2,000,000miles
82.7% of the population have Roman Catholicism as their religion.
Durango the state: yes. Also the capital city of such state is in Mexico. On the other hand, there are several cities with the name Durango in the United States, such as in Colorado or Iowa.
The national flower of Mexico is the dahlia. Durango does not have an official flower.