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Q: What is Donatello's Religion?
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When did donatellos mother die?

in 1446

Who commissioned donatellos work.?

The goldsmith workshop and the townspeople

Who were donatellos parents?

Donatello's father was Nicolló di Betto Bardi.

Donatellos full name?

Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi

How does Donatellos David exhibit humanist thought of the Early Renaissance?

Donatello David exhibited humanist thoughts of the Early Renaissance because it captures the beauty of the human form.

How does Donatellos sculpture reflect an important Renaissance idea?

If you tells us the sculpture you ask about we will be glad to answer your question.

What is remarkable about Renaissance artist donatellos sculpture of David the biblical shepherd who slated Goliath?

You need to answer this question because we don’t do homework or essays. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson not our answers.

What was donatellos childhood like?

=Donatello, living in the Renaissance period studied art and other creative subjects. As a child, Donatello and Brunelleschi studied and went on excursions together. Donatello lived quite a lavis and luxurious lifestyle.=

Is Islam a religion of Arabia?

Islam is not A religion but it is THE religion. Mean to say that its the only religion. Its the religion of GOD for whole of humanity...

Is Scientology a religion or a type of non-religion?

It is a religion.

When would the rulers of Rome ban a religion?

The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.The rulers of Rome would ban a religion if they considered the religion to promote treason or if they considered the religion to be decadent.

What is the dominant religion in the religion?

Christianity is the most dominant religion.