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The appeal of the Catholic Mass, also called the Sacred Liturgy, is that there is no more perfect form of worship. Through the Sacred Liturgy, we are actually, metaphysically taken up into Heaven, joining the eternal Wedding Supper of the Lamb being celebrated at the very throne of God. At the same time we are also drawn into complete participation in the actual events that the Mass celebrates: the Creation, the Passover in Egypt, the Wandering in the Desert, the Birth of Christ, His Passion, His Death, His Resurrection, and Pentecost, to name just a few; every moment in Salvation History, in fact, is made truly present to us during every Mass.

The Mass is also a conversation between God and His people. He speaks to us, and we respond, back and forth, each time being drawn deeper and deeper into union with Him, until, in the end, He offers us His Own Flesh and Blood, really and truly present under the appearance of bread and wine, and we consume Him to become perfectly one with Him. Just as He took our humanity into Himself at His Conception, so we take His Deity into ourselves during the Eucharist, a.k.a. Holy Communion.

The appeal is that in no other way are we capable of a more intimate, a more personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing more perfectly fulfils the purpose of our creation: union with the Creator. The Mass is the ultimate form of worship because it is the very source and summit of human existence.

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