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It stands for 'before the common era' and is used to replace BC which means before Christ.

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Q: What is BCE?
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What were the major battles in the Persian War?

Lade 494 BCE, Marathon 490 BCE, Artemesion 480 BCE, Salamis 480 BCE, Plataia 479 BCE, Mykale 479 BCE, Eurymedon 464 BCE, Cyprus 450 BCE.

The major battles fought in Persia war?

Lade 494 BCE, Marathon 490 BCE, Salamis 480 BCE, Plataia 479 BCE, Mykale 479 BCE, Eurtmedon 466 BCE, Cyprus 450 BCE.

When did Darius rule?

I think he ruled from 422 bce to 484 bce. I think he ruled from 521 bce to 484 bce.

What are the greatest battles of the Persian war?

Lade 474 BCE Salamis 480 BCE Plataia 479 BCE Eurtmedon 466 BCE Cyprus 450 BCE

Is 200 BCE earlier than 356 BCE?

No, 356 BCE is earlier.

What are the plays of Euripides?

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What was the location of the battle the Greeks defeated the Persians?

Salamis 480 BCE Plataia 479 BCE Mykale 479 BCE Eurymedon 466 BCE Cyprus 450 BCE.

How long were the Jews held captive in Babylon?

Ahere were four deportations of Jews to Babylon in 605 BCE, 597 BCE, c. 587 BCE, and c. 582 BCE.

The year 88 BCE is in which century?

88 BCE is in the first century BC or BCE.

What three battles against the Persian ened in victory for the Greeks?

Salamis 480 BCE Plataia 479 BCE Mykale 479 BCE Eurymedon 466 BCE Cyprus 450 BCE

What was the battle where Greeks defeated the Persians?

There were several: Salamis 480 BCE Plataia 479 BCE Mykale 479 BCE Eurymedon 466 BCE Crete 450 BCE Take your pick.

What year did BCE end?

The year 10500 BCE ended at the beginning of the year 10499 BCE.