All Soul's Day (sometimes called the "Day of the Dead") is always November 2 (November 3rd if the 2nd falls on a Sunday).
All Soul's Day is a Roman Catholic holiday to remember friends and loved ones who have passed on.
All Souls Day is always on November 2.
All Souls' Day - novel - was created in 1998.
All Souls Day is celebrated on one day - November 2.
Halloween was originally All Souls Day or All Saints Day. The Church still celebrates it as All Souls Day.
All Saints - November 1 All Souls - November 2
All Souls Day is also called "Day of the Dead". The Mexicans go to cemeteries to celebrate their dead.
all souls day
All Saints Day (November 1)is when we honor all the saints, including those who have not been canonized. All Souls Day (November 2) is when we offer prayers, penance, and good works for the souls in Purgatory.
It isn't, Halloween is the evening before All Saints Day, other than proximity in the calendar, it has nothing whatsoever to do with All Souls Day.
All Souls' Day is celebrated within the Christian tradition annually on November 2nd. It is the day when the church commemorates the faithful departed and prays for the souls of those who may remain in Purgatory.
All Souls Day - 2007 was released on: USA: 1 May 2007 (DVD premiere)
All Hallows means all souls. All souls Day, used to be known as All-Hallows Evening (or Halloween). it was the day when the Church used to pray for the souls of all the dead, whom it believed were in purgatory, being cleansed of their sins.