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It is a major sin if done without a valid reason (according to shariah law). The punishment in the herefater is that one will spend a HUQB (80 years of the hereafter which is equal to millions and millions of earth years) in the fire of Hell for each missed prayer. According to the Hanafi school of sunni Islam, in a shariah run country such a person should be imprisoned for life. According to the Shafi school of sunni Islam, such a person should be killed as he/she is an apostate who misses prayer without a reason.

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Allah requires us to pray five times a day at least, within the specific time periods. Not doing so WILL lead to certain hellfire, both in the Hereafter and even in this life. Prayers, also known as Saalah, teaches us the value of time, and it is also good exercise for the human body. it brings us closer to God as during prayers, we have a direct link to Him.

If you HAVE missed a prayer, it will be beneficial if you offer a Qaza prayer, that is, offering a shortened version of the missed prayer with another prayer.

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